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Malta Language Schools

Malta is the country of archipelagos between Italy and Tunisia in southern Europe. English is among the official languages of Malta which is a part of the European Union and uses euro for the currency.

Malta is a place where people have settled since prehistoric times. The country, which has a very historical and cosmopolitan structure, is especially known for its architectural structure, golden beaches, and entertainment venues.

The most important economic resources of the country are tourism and abroad language education. Every year, people from around the world come here to learn English and also for vacation. Since its tourists and students have an important place in Malta's economy, natives show hospitality and warmth to the people who come to Malta.

Maltese culture has been influenced by many different cultures. For this reason, food culture is very diverse and delicious. Here, you should definitely taste the local dishes and drinks, as well as taste the malt plum grown specifically in the region.

Malta is a shopping paradise with its historical shopping places and very affordable local products. You can walk around the city and enjoy its architecture left by various cultures as you do your shopping and sip your drink on the beach with the beautiful sunset. 

Maltese nightlife is also very lively and with the neighborhoods specially reserved for nightlife, entertainment and activities take place 24/7. Here, you can have fun until the first lights of the morning as you have the opportunity of meeting people from different cultures.

The seasonal normal of the archipelago country is warm. While it does not fall below 14 degrees in winter, it stays around 35-40 degrees during summer.

Malta is one of the indispensable points for many students who want to learn a language abroad. It is definitely one of the most beautiful destinations that you will not regret visiting.
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