ميزات إمكانية الوصول

استخدام الرمادي

التأكيد على العناصر

التأكيد على الرابط

مؤشر كبير

قراءة الدليل

وضع التركيز

T o p s t u d y . c o m

أنت الآن على وشك أن تبدأ مغامرتك الخاصة. كن مستعداً!.

لدينا عروض مذهلة الآن. املء النموذج ، ولا تفوت على نفسك فرصة تعلم اللغة معنا و الحصول على خدمة الاستشارة المجانية

US +1
Azerbaijan +994
Brazil +55
Canada +1
Colombia +57
Egypt +20
Iraq +964
Ireland +353
Israel +972
Japan +81
Kuwait +965
Lebanon +961
Libya +218
Malta +356
Mexico +52
Morocco +212
Oman +968
Qatar +974
Saudi Arabia +966
South Korea +82
Tunisia +216
Turkey +90
United Arab Emirates +971
United Kingdom +44
United States +1
Afghanistan +93
Aland Islands +358
Albania +355
Algeria +213
AmericanSamoa +1684
Andorra +376
Angola +244
Anguilla +1264
Antarctica +672
Antigua and Barbuda +1268
Argentina +54
Armenia +374
Aruba +297
Australia +61
Austria +43
Bahamas +1242
Bahrain +973
Bangladesh +880
Barbados +1246
Belarus +375
Belgium +32
Belize +501
Benin +229
Bermuda +1441
Bhutan +975
Bolivia +591
Bosnia and Herzegovina +387
Botswana +267
British Indian Ocean Territory +246
Brunei Darussalam +673
Bulgaria +359
Burkina Faso +226
Burundi +257
Cambodia +855
Cameroon +237
Cape Verde +238
Cayman Islands + 345
Central African Republic +236
Chad +235
Chile +56
China +86
Christmas Island +61
Cocos (Keeling) Islands +61
Comoros +269
Congo +242
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo +243
Cook Islands +682
Costa Rica +506
Cote d'Ivoire +225
Croatia +385
Cuba +53
Cyprus +357
Czech Republic +420
Denmark +45
Djibouti +253
Dominica +1767
Dominican Republic +1849
Ecuador +593
El Salvador +503
Equatorial Guinea +240
Eritrea +291
Estonia +372
Ethiopia +251
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) +500
Faroe Islands +298
Fiji +679
Finland +358
France +33
French Guiana +594
French Polynesia +689
Gabon +241
Gambia +220
Georgia +995
Germany +49
Ghana +233
Gibraltar +350
Greece +30
Greenland +299
Grenada +1473
Guadeloupe +590
Guam +1671
Guatemala +502
Guernsey +44
Guinea +224
Guinea-Bissau +245
Guyana +595
Haiti +509
Holy See (Vatican City State) +379
Honduras +504
Hong Kong +852
Hungary +36
Iceland +354
India +91
Indonesia +62
Iran +98
Isle of Man +44
Italy +39
Jamaica +1876
Jersey +44
Jordan +962
Kazakhstan +77
Kenya +254
Kiribati +686
North Korea +850
Kyrgyzstan +996
Laos +856
Latvia +371
Lesotho +266
Liberia +231
Liechtenstein +423
Lithuania +370
Luxembourg +352
Macao +853
Macedonia +389
Madagascar +261
Malawi +265
Malaysia +60
Maldives +960
Mali +223
Marshall Islands +692
Martinique +596
Mauritania +222
Mauritius +230
Mayotte +262
Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia +691
Moldova +373
Monaco +377
Mongolia +976
Montenegro +382
Montserrat +1664
Mozambique +258
Myanmar +95
Namibia +264
Nauru +674
Nepal +977
Netherlands +31
Netherlands Antilles +599
New Caledonia +687
New Zealand +64
Nicaragua +505
Niger +227
Nigeria +234
Niue +683
Norfolk Island +672
Northern Mariana Islands +1670
Norway +47
Pakistan +92
Palau +680
Panama +507
Papua New Guinea +675
Paraguay +595
Peru +51
Philippines +63
Pitcairn +872
Poland +48
Portugal +351
Puerto Rico +1939
Romania +40
Russia +7
Rwanda +250
Reunion +262
Saint Barthelemy +590
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha +290
Saint Kitts and Nevis +1869
Saint Lucia +1758
Saint Martin +590
Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1784
Samoa +685
San Marino +378
Sao Tome and Principe +239
Senegal +221
Serbia +381
Seychelles +248
Sierra Leone +232
Singapore +65
Slovakia +421
Slovenia +386
Solomon Islands +677
Somalia +252
South Africa +27
South Sudan +211
Spain +34
Sri Lanka +94
Sudan +249
Suriname +597
Svalbard and Jan Mayen +47
Swaziland +268
Sweden +46
Switzerland +41
Syrian Arab Republic +963
Taiwan +886
Tajikistan +992
Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania +255
Thailand +66
Timor-Leste +670
Togo +228
Tokelau +690
Tonga +676
Trinidad and Tobago +1868
Turkmenistan +993
Turks and Caicos Islands +1649
Tuvalu +688
Uganda +256
Ukraine +380
Uruguay +598
Uzbekistan +998
Vanuatu +678
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela +58
Vietnam +84
Virgin Islands, British +1284
Virgin Islands, U.S. +1340
Wallis and Futuna +681
Yemen +967
Zambia +260
Zimbabwe +263

يرجى التأكد من مربع كلمةالتحقق لإرسال النموذج.

consult us


حقوق الطباعة والنشر محفوظة

1. By persons (“User”) who visit and/or use the website (“Website”) or mobile application (“Mobile Application”) at “www.topstudy.com” in any way, the Website and the Website of this Privacy Policy Mobile Application must be read before using. Except for personal data belonging to users and accessed and/or obtained by the Company; The statistical data of the transactions made by the users on the Website or the Mobile Application are analyzed and stored by the Company. Your personal data is processed and stored in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“KVKK”) and the notice on the procedures and principles to be complied with in fulfilling the clarification obligation.

2. Purposes and Legal Reasons for Processing Your Personal Data

The personal data you share, in order to fulfill the requirements of the services we provide to our customers, in accordance with the requirements of the contract and technology, and to improve our products and services; In order to provide information to prosecutors' offices, courts and relevant public officials, upon request and in accordance with the legislation, on matters related to public security and legal disputes; In order to offer a wide range of opportunities to our members or to share these opportunities with persons or institutions that can offer them within the legal framework; In order to analyze advertising preferences, it will be processed in accordance with KVKK and related secondary regulations.

3. Information About Third Persons Or Organizations To Which Your Personal Data Can Be Transferred

Persons/organizations to whom your personal data that you share with the Company and the Website can be transferred for the above-mentioned purposes; our main shareholders, shareholders, advertisers, direct or indirect domestic / foreign affiliates; Program partner organizations, domestic / international organizations that we receive service from, cooperate with, to carry out our activities and/or as a Data Processor, especially member companies using the Company and Website infrastructure, and not limited to persons and organizations related to the service provided; and other third parties and organizations. Our regulations regarding cookies to be used for advertising purposes are under the heading "Cookies Policy" on our website and form a part of the "Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy" you are currently reading.

4. How Your Personal Data Is Collected

Your personal data, forms on the www.topstudy.com website and mobile applications, and information such as name, surname, address, telephone, business or private e-mail address; In the form of location data, data including preferences on the pages logged in using the user name and password, IP records of the transactions performed, cookie data collected by the browser, and browsing time and details; For purposes such as establishing a commercial relationship with www.topstudy.com and the Company, applying for a job, making offers, etc., obtained from people who share their personal data through business cards, CVs, bids and other means, in a physical or virtual environment, face-to-face or remotely. , verbally or in writing or electronically; In addition, data obtained from (micro) websites and social media indirectly obtained from different channels, used for websites, blogs, contests, surveys, games, campaigns and similar purposes, e-bulletin reading or click movements, data provided by public databases. from profiles and data that are open to sharing from social networking sites such as social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.); can be processed and collected.

5. Your Personal Data Obtained Before KVKK Entered into Force

Since www.topstudy.com did not start its publication life before the effective date of KVKK, 7 April 2016, we do not have any personal data stored before this date.

6. Transfer of Your Personal Data

Provided that your personal data collected by any of the above-mentioned methods, to be processed in Turkey or to be processed and stored outside of Turkey, remain within the scope of the KVKK and in accordance with the purposes of the contract (to countries accredited by the Personal Data Board and where there is sufficient protection for the protection of personal data) services. may be transferred to intermediaries. Your Personal Data; Our business partners with whom we cooperate and/or service for the presentation and promotion of products and services, Authorized authorities that will determine your location in case of an emergency call, Regulatory and supervisory institutions, other official institutions such as courts and enforcement offices, and other public authorities authorized to request your personal data. institutions or organizations, www.topstudy.com and legal entities that have commercial relations with the Company and have your telephone number, when deemed necessary.

7. Storage and Protection of Personal Data

www.topstudy.com, by preventing the unlawful processing of personal data in accordance with Article 12 of the KVKK, and preventing the access of unauthorized persons to the systems and databases where your personal data is hosted; It is obliged to take software measures such as hash, encryption, transaction log, access management and physical security measures in order to ensure their safekeeping. In the event that it is learned that personal data has been obtained illegally by others, the situation will be immediately reported to the Personal Data Protection Board in accordance with the legal regulation and in writing.

8. Keeping Personal Data Up-to-Date and Accurate

Pursuant to Article 4 of the KVKK, www.topstudy.com has the obligation to keep your personal data accurate and up-to-date. In this context, in order for www.topstudy.com to fulfill its obligations arising from the current legislation, our members are required to share their correct and up-to-date data or update them via the website / mobile application.

9. Rights of Personal Data Owners Pursuant to Law No. 6698, KVKK

Article 11 of the KVKK No. 6698 entered into force on 07 October 2016, and in accordance with the relevant article, the rights of the Personal Data Owner after this date are as follows: Personal Data Owner, by applying to www.topstudy.com (data controller); Learning whether personal data is processed, Requesting information if personal data has been processed, Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with its purpose, Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred, in the country or abroad, Requesting correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the KVKK, Requesting that personal data be corrected, deleted or destroyed, notifying the third parties to whom the personal data is transferred, Personal data by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems. has the right to object to the emergence of a result against him, to demand the compensation of the damage in case of loss due to the unlawful processing of personal data.

10. Communication and Application Method

The Data Controller Representative to be appointed by the Company and the Website will be announced in the Data Controllers Registry and the internet address where this document is located, when the legal infrastructure is provided. Personal Data Owners can direct their questions, opinions or requests to the e-mail address of İletişim@academiaunited.com. The Company may give a positive/negative response to the requests sent to the Company and the Website, in writing or digitally, provided that it is justified and responds within 30 days. It is essential that the necessary transactions regarding the requests are free of charge. However, if the transactions require a cost, the Company reserves the right to charge a fee. These fees are determined by the Personal Data Protection Board over the tariff determined in accordance with Article 13 of the Personal Data Protection Law. By sharing your personal data on our website, applications and other channels, our Personal Data Policy and the terms of processing, processing methods, data transfer, sale and other related issues in our policy, its use in applications and social media channels, notifications and suggestions, provided that it is for the benefit of the members. With an explicit consent, which is defined as consent that is of great importance, based on information, and expressed with free will in the KVKK, You declare that you accept.

أنت الآن على وشك أن تبدأ مغامرتك الخاصة. كن مستعداً!.

لدينا عروض مذهلة الآن. املء النموذج ، ولا تفوت على نفسك فرصة تعلم اللغة معنا و الحصول على خدمة الاستشارة المجانية

US +1
Azerbaijan +994
Brazil +55
Canada +1
Colombia +57
Egypt +20
Iraq +964
Ireland +353
Israel +972
Japan +81
Kuwait +965
Lebanon +961
Libya +218
Malta +356
Mexico +52
Morocco +212
Oman +968
Qatar +974
Saudi Arabia +966
South Korea +82
Tunisia +216
Turkey +90
United Arab Emirates +971
United Kingdom +44
United States +1
Afghanistan +93
Aland Islands +358
Albania +355
Algeria +213
AmericanSamoa +1684
Andorra +376
Angola +244
Anguilla +1264
Antarctica +672
Antigua and Barbuda +1268
Argentina +54
Armenia +374
Aruba +297
Australia +61
Austria +43
Bahamas +1242
Bahrain +973
Bangladesh +880
Barbados +1246
Belarus +375
Belgium +32
Belize +501
Benin +229
Bermuda +1441
Bhutan +975
Bolivia +591
Bosnia and Herzegovina +387
Botswana +267
British Indian Ocean Territory +246
Brunei Darussalam +673
Bulgaria +359
Burkina Faso +226
Burundi +257
Cambodia +855
Cameroon +237
Cape Verde +238
Cayman Islands + 345
Central African Republic +236
Chad +235
Chile +56
China +86
Christmas Island +61
Cocos (Keeling) Islands +61
Comoros +269
Congo +242
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo +243
Cook Islands +682
Costa Rica +506
Cote d'Ivoire +225
Croatia +385
Cuba +53
Cyprus +357
Czech Republic +420
Denmark +45
Djibouti +253
Dominica +1767
Dominican Republic +1849
Ecuador +593
El Salvador +503
Equatorial Guinea +240
Eritrea +291
Estonia +372
Ethiopia +251
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) +500
Faroe Islands +298
Fiji +679
Finland +358
France +33
French Guiana +594
French Polynesia +689
Gabon +241
Gambia +220
Georgia +995
Germany +49
Ghana +233
Gibraltar +350
Greece +30
Greenland +299
Grenada +1473
Guadeloupe +590
Guam +1671
Guatemala +502
Guernsey +44
Guinea +224
Guinea-Bissau +245
Guyana +595
Haiti +509
Holy See (Vatican City State) +379
Honduras +504
Hong Kong +852
Hungary +36
Iceland +354
India +91
Indonesia +62
Iran +98
Isle of Man +44
Italy +39
Jamaica +1876
Jersey +44
Jordan +962
Kazakhstan +77
Kenya +254
Kiribati +686
North Korea +850
Kyrgyzstan +996
Laos +856
Latvia +371
Lesotho +266
Liberia +231
Liechtenstein +423
Lithuania +370
Luxembourg +352
Macao +853
Macedonia +389
Madagascar +261
Malawi +265
Malaysia +60
Maldives +960
Mali +223
Marshall Islands +692
Martinique +596
Mauritania +222
Mauritius +230
Mayotte +262
Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia +691
Moldova +373
Monaco +377
Mongolia +976
Montenegro +382
Montserrat +1664
Mozambique +258
Myanmar +95
Namibia +264
Nauru +674
Nepal +977
Netherlands +31
Netherlands Antilles +599
New Caledonia +687
New Zealand +64
Nicaragua +505
Niger +227
Nigeria +234
Niue +683
Norfolk Island +672
Northern Mariana Islands +1670
Norway +47
Pakistan +92
Palau +680
Panama +507
Papua New Guinea +675
Paraguay +595
Peru +51
Philippines +63
Pitcairn +872
Poland +48
Portugal +351
Puerto Rico +1939
Romania +40
Russia +7
Rwanda +250
Reunion +262
Saint Barthelemy +590
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha +290
Saint Kitts and Nevis +1869
Saint Lucia +1758
Saint Martin +590
Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1784
Samoa +685
San Marino +378
Sao Tome and Principe +239
Senegal +221
Serbia +381
Seychelles +248
Sierra Leone +232
Singapore +65
Slovakia +421
Slovenia +386
Solomon Islands +677
Somalia +252
South Africa +27
South Sudan +211
Spain +34
Sri Lanka +94
Sudan +249
Suriname +597
Svalbard and Jan Mayen +47
Swaziland +268
Sweden +46
Switzerland +41
Syrian Arab Republic +963
Taiwan +886
Tajikistan +992
Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania +255
Thailand +66
Timor-Leste +670
Togo +228
Tokelau +690
Tonga +676
Trinidad and Tobago +1868
Turkmenistan +993
Turks and Caicos Islands +1649
Tuvalu +688
Uganda +256
Ukraine +380
Uruguay +598
Uzbekistan +998
Vanuatu +678
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela +58
Vietnam +84
Virgin Islands, British +1284
Virgin Islands, U.S. +1340
Wallis and Futuna +681
Yemen +967
Zambia +260
Zimbabwe +263

يرجى التأكد من مربع كلمةالتحقق لإرسال النموذج.

consult us

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US +1
Azerbaijan +994
Brazil +55
Canada +1
Colombia +57
Egypt +20
Iraq +964
Ireland +353
Israel +972
Japan +81
Kuwait +965
Lebanon +961
Libya +218
Malta +356
Mexico +52
Morocco +212
Oman +968
Qatar +974
Saudi Arabia +966
South Korea +82
Tunisia +216
Turkey +90
United Arab Emirates +971
United Kingdom +44
United States +1
Afghanistan +93
Aland Islands +358
Albania +355
Algeria +213
AmericanSamoa +1684
Andorra +376
Angola +244
Anguilla +1264
Antarctica +672
Antigua and Barbuda +1268
Argentina +54
Armenia +374
Aruba +297
Australia +61
Austria +43
Bahamas +1242
Bahrain +973
Bangladesh +880
Barbados +1246
Belarus +375
Belgium +32
Belize +501
Benin +229
Bermuda +1441
Bhutan +975
Bolivia +591
Bosnia and Herzegovina +387
Botswana +267
British Indian Ocean Territory +246
Brunei Darussalam +673
Bulgaria +359
Burkina Faso +226
Burundi +257
Cambodia +855
Cameroon +237
Cape Verde +238
Cayman Islands + 345
Central African Republic +236
Chad +235
Chile +56
China +86
Christmas Island +61
Cocos (Keeling) Islands +61
Comoros +269
Congo +242
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo +243
Cook Islands +682
Costa Rica +506
Cote d'Ivoire +225
Croatia +385
Cuba +53
Cyprus +357
Czech Republic +420
Denmark +45
Djibouti +253
Dominica +1767
Dominican Republic +1849
Ecuador +593
El Salvador +503
Equatorial Guinea +240
Eritrea +291
Estonia +372
Ethiopia +251
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) +500
Faroe Islands +298
Fiji +679
Finland +358
France +33
French Guiana +594
French Polynesia +689
Gabon +241
Gambia +220
Georgia +995
Germany +49
Ghana +233
Gibraltar +350
Greece +30
Greenland +299
Grenada +1473
Guadeloupe +590
Guam +1671
Guatemala +502
Guernsey +44
Guinea +224
Guinea-Bissau +245
Guyana +595
Haiti +509
Holy See (Vatican City State) +379
Honduras +504
Hong Kong +852
Hungary +36
Iceland +354
India +91
Indonesia +62
Iran +98
Isle of Man +44
Italy +39
Jamaica +1876
Jersey +44
Jordan +962
Kazakhstan +77
Kenya +254
Kiribati +686
North Korea +850
Kyrgyzstan +996
Laos +856
Latvia +371
Lesotho +266
Liberia +231
Liechtenstein +423
Lithuania +370
Luxembourg +352
Macao +853
Macedonia +389
Madagascar +261
Malawi +265
Malaysia +60
Maldives +960
Mali +223
Marshall Islands +692
Martinique +596
Mauritania +222
Mauritius +230
Mayotte +262
Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia +691
Moldova +373
Monaco +377
Mongolia +976
Montenegro +382
Montserrat +1664
Mozambique +258
Myanmar +95
Namibia +264
Nauru +674
Nepal +977
Netherlands +31
Netherlands Antilles +599
New Caledonia +687
New Zealand +64
Nicaragua +505
Niger +227
Nigeria +234
Niue +683
Norfolk Island +672
Northern Mariana Islands +1670
Norway +47
Pakistan +92
Palau +680
Panama +507
Papua New Guinea +675
Paraguay +595
Peru +51
Philippines +63
Pitcairn +872
Poland +48
Portugal +351
Puerto Rico +1939
Romania +40
Russia +7
Rwanda +250
Reunion +262
Saint Barthelemy +590
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha +290
Saint Kitts and Nevis +1869
Saint Lucia +1758
Saint Martin +590
Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1784
Samoa +685
San Marino +378
Sao Tome and Principe +239
Senegal +221
Serbia +381
Seychelles +248
Sierra Leone +232
Singapore +65
Slovakia +421
Slovenia +386
Solomon Islands +677
Somalia +252
South Africa +27
South Sudan +211
Spain +34
Sri Lanka +94
Sudan +249
Suriname +597
Svalbard and Jan Mayen +47
Swaziland +268
Sweden +46
Switzerland +41
Syrian Arab Republic +963
Taiwan +886
Tajikistan +992
Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania +255
Thailand +66
Timor-Leste +670
Togo +228
Tokelau +690
Tonga +676
Trinidad and Tobago +1868
Turkmenistan +993
Turks and Caicos Islands +1649
Tuvalu +688
Uganda +256
Ukraine +380
Uruguay +598
Uzbekistan +998
Vanuatu +678
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela +58
Vietnam +84
Virgin Islands, British +1284
Virgin Islands, U.S. +1340
Wallis and Futuna +681
Yemen +967
Zambia +260
Zimbabwe +263