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Manchester is the second largest city in the UK after its capital London. Being the place where the industrial revolution started, Manchester is still one of the most important industrial cities in England as well as in the whole world. Robert Peel said in the 1840s “What Manchester thinks today, the world thinks tomorrow.” indicating the importance of Manchester and its influence all across the globe! This city has become the first of many things: the first industrial and modern city that paved the way for others.

Today Manchester is still an exceptional industrial city, however, it has acquired its fame from other things as well. For example, if you are a music lover, you would probably be fascinated by the fact that worldwide known bands like The Smiths and Oasis originated in Manchester. Manchester’s influence on the bands can be felt by even listening to some songs. For instance, you can visit the Holy Name Church which is mentioned in The Smith’s Vicar in a Tutu! 

On the other hand, Manchester is the city where two of the best teams in the Premier League and the world, e.g. Manchester United and Manchester City, compete. The city is constantly hosting many unforgettable matches for football fans from all over the world. 

With its friendly people, affordability, and musical and sports scenes, Manchester offers once-in-a-lifetime memories, especially for young people. If you are imagining yourself listening to The Smiths while walking to Old Trafford to watch a football match, you’re on the right track!

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